
Коммерческие Вести

The most complete information on economy and finance of Omsk area, about the enterprises, which here work, about banks, which here open or are ruined, about the persons, which supervise over all above named.

Constant headings: "banks", "Real estate", " the New decisions of the Governor of Omsk area and mayor of city of Omsk ", " the Commodity market " (for example: petroleum in Omsk, legal firms of city, sellers of cosmetics and other), " New purposes(assignments) in bodies of authority, at the enterprises and in organizations ", " an Industry of Omsk " etc.

In this newspaper - all economic and financial Omsk area: who actually owner at the concrete enterprises, who costs(stands) behind that or other decision of local bodies of authority, true volumes both revolutions at factories and factories, procedures of bankruptcy, conflicts of the managers and shareholders new local financial tools and other, other, other.

" Commercial messages " - newspaper for the chiefs, those who accepts the decisions on the concrete contracts and deliveries, credits and loans, delivery and rent of premises(rooms), purchase and sale of the actions(shares).

The information to reflection

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" Commercial messages ": circulation 6000 copies.

644099,. Omsk, street. Gagarina, 8

Ph. (8-3812) 24-00-53, 24-04-67

Fax (8-3812) 24-28-02


The editor: Marat Isangasin