

Prof.G.V.Nosovski (born 1958), Cand. Sci. (Phys. and Math.), Space Research Institute (Moscow, Russia) and Moscow STANKIN - College; in 1993-1994 - Professor of Mathematics in Mathematical and Computer Center of Aizu University, Japan; today works in Moscow University, Math.Dept., Laboratory of Computer Methods in Natural and Humanitary Sciences, is an expert in probability theory, mathematical statistics and stochastic differential equations. He obtained important results in the theory of stochastic differential equations and his works are permanently referred to in mathematical literature.

He has a great experience with computer applications to the modeling of stochastic processes, calculus of variations, optimization theory. He is a leading specialist in Geometrical Computer Project (Moscow State Univ., Faculty of Math. and Mech.) dealing with computer application to solving new geometrical problems. He is the author (together with Prof. V.V.Kalashnikov and Prof.A.T.Fomenko) of the book "Geometrical and Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations. Dating of Ptolemy's Almagest" (CRC-Press, USA, 1993).

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