Kozyrev's Theory of Time

Russian version

Kozyrev's Theory of Time


Amongst known astronomers of our time, probably, no name more popular and more enigmatic, than name of professor Kozyrev. On length more than thirty years it does not come off pages of scientific seal, scientifically-popular publishing, journals and newspapers. All has begun from disputes on the cause of finding by Nilolay А. Kozyrev tectonic activity of the Moon in november 1958. Serious debates lasted eleven years and have ended all official conferring to Kozyrev diploma on the opening.

Possible name two reasons, which have agitated long-lasting disputes and long nonrecognition несомненного achievements First - convictiom, consolidated amongst scientific many decennial events and even centennials of careful observing, - convictiom in that that "Moon-dead body". The Second - more solid - connected with work the most N.А. Kozyrev on searching new types of energy. As in 1958 once, some years before the opening moon volcano activity, it has heralded a printed word on searching unknown sources of energy, conducted by it over ten years already. Its opening it considered proof of the own theory, allowed him goal-directed to put observations. In general, it emphatically and certain go to the opening and come to him.

Such confidence is taken Whence? As far back as 1947. Kozyrev theoretically has shown that intra-star nucleus reactions can not ensure a consuption of energy by stars for milliard years of their existance. In entrails of planets (and Moons) can not occur nucleus reactions. This conclusion by nobody is not disputed. However any spares of internal energy, formed when shaping such tel, as a Moon (including spares of radioactive elements), must run short for 4-5 milliard years of its existance. That is why Moon must be a dead, what did not want to acknowledge Kozyrev. According to its theories, celestial tel (and planets, and stars) present itself machines, which work out an energy, but "raw material for the conversion" serves a time. It on the strength of particular physical characteristics capable to prolong an activity and viability of object: than more long exists an object, that more finds an ability to continuing existance.

First, word "time" has come up for speeches and articles timid, extremely supposedly. Then it was introduced all more emphatically, safely, firmly. Suggestion is transformed in statement, аксиому. Original "theory of time" of Kozyrev called to its author attention many denoted and uninitiated, has caused to him both likings, and antipathies. Mysteriousness theory and its creator increased together with popularity.


This page is maintained November 1997.
Last modified on July 12, 1998.