Andrey N. Vakilov
Ph. D. in Physics & Mathematics, associate professor


Biographical Information

Sciense-pedagogic activity


Contact Information

Biographical Information

Born: 1961.


   1987.,Omsk State University.
    The dissertation Council of the Tomsk State University confered the scientific degree of physics-mathematical sciences in 1995. The theme of dissertation is: "The critical dinamic of the notwell regulatted sistems and its numeral modeliration with the Monte-Carlo method"
    19.03.97 He appointid the post of associate professor of the department of theoretical physics.

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Sciense-pedagogic activity

    The scientific secretary of the dissertation council for the awarding of sciense degree in Omsk State University.
    The participant in the sciense conferenses:
1. The XIX allied Conference in the field of Physics.Tashkent.September, 1991.
2. Workshop "Phase transitions in Dilute System " July,1995,Bad Honnef,Germany.
3. Russian sciense-technical Conference "The fundamental problems of the metallurgy " Ekaterinburg,September,1995.
    He delivers a lecture's courses:
1. "Information technology" 18h. (3 cours,the Physic faculty)
2. "Electrodinamic" 90h. (2-3 courses,the Physic faculty)
3. s/c "The numeral methods in the statistical Physic" 18h. (4 cours,the Physic faculty)
    The length of the pedagogical activity in any Universities is 5 years.

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  1. Vakilov A.N., Prudnikov V.V., Markov O.N. "Critical dynamics in three-dimensional random Ising systems",(Abstracts)/ Workshop «Phase Transitions in Dilute Systems» p.23, July,1995,Bad Honnef, Germany.

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Contact Information

Andrey N. Vakilov
Department of Physics
Omsk State University
Pr. Mira, 55-A
644077 Omsk, RUSSIA

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