Gamzat Hudaibergenov

Born Aprils 18, 1974.

Graduated from Omsk State university in 1996.

At Chair  he works since 1996.

Area of scientific interests: physic gas cathegory.

Hobby: different occupation. For instance, read, play in the basketball. To Lead Away Internet and all that with him bound.

Home animal: Dog Dunay.

Music: Loved singer - Tom Jhones, Madonna. Loved composer - practically all, depends on current moods.

Literature: For me any book interesting, except the detective. Loved writer - Gumilev and brothers an Strugatskie.

Cinema: Kin - dza - dza.

Loved flower: Rose and snowdrops.

Loved colours: Red , maroon, blue, white, green.

Loved time: Springtime.

Loved holiday: New year.

From what qualities  should you like to dispose: Not say.

Where and as do you like to repose: Repose everywhere, where will come, only nor who was not. In the solitude easier the whole repose.

In what cities were You : Novosibirsk, Lower Novgorod, Moscow, Kostroma, Sverdlovsk, Petropavlovsk.

What on Your view must an ideal student be:Working , labour 50% success rest talent.

But what bad student: Lazy student - a bad student.

What quality in folk You like: Honesty.

What quality in folk do not  You  like: Unhonesty .


644077 Russia
prospekt Mira 55à
Omsk  State University
Chair of experimental physics