
                                 Elena I. Petrova

senior instructor.

     It's important dates of my biography:

      The date of birth: 15.05

       The place of birth: Novosibirsk


In 1973 I entered to Omsk Pedogogical University. I graduated from University in 1977. It was not the end of my education. In 1984 I entered to the State University of Ural. I graduated from University 5 years ago. In this time I'm senior instructor in Omsk State University.

I have some articles .They are:

1. The matirial of creative work of G.Vyatkin// The actual problems of philosophy//Omsk. 1994.

2. G.Vyatkin in TKP busness// Writer.Society.Power// Omsk. 1995.

3. L.Martinov-the journalist// The son of Hiperborea // Omsk. 1997.

I study the creative work and biograpy of G.Vyatkin. I work at dissertation about him and I'm interested problems of professional jornalists ethics.

                         If  you  share my hobbies and works and would like to talk to me please send to address:

                                             Elena I. Petrova

                                                         Chair of Russian Literature of XX century and Journalistias,

                                                         Department of Philology, .Omsk State University,

                                                         644077, Omsk , Russia.

                                                                                                                (c) 1998