
                   Valeriy  I. Khomyakov

               Ph. D. in Philology, associate professor ,   deputy chairman    

                                     of  the Philology Department.

                      The dates  of  birth   :  08.05.1950

                      The place of  birth  :   Omsk                                                               

  In 1974 I entered to Omsk State University.  I graduated   from  University in 1979. In this time  I'm Ph. D. in Philology, associate professor and deputy chairman of the  Philology Department.

 I have some articals. They are:

1. What my name mean's for you ?// Irtish// 1990. ¹1.

2. The way in to a chasm.// Irtish. 1992.  ¹2.

3. The main thing for us - not foget about our souls.//Irtish. 1993.  ¹1.

4. Morden dreams of   literature.//Irtish. 1994.  ¹2.

5.Alive history of Russia.//V.Solovev"The fiance of princess" . Franknessity of Shmelev .//Orthodox.Society.Culture.- Omsk, 1995.

At the moment   I   write the artical  about creativ work of V.Shukshin. I plane to work at the book about P.Vasilev   and monography  of "The Christian motivs in the morden russian prose". I'm very fond of history of Russian Orthodox Church and Philosophy.

                         If  you  share my hobbies and works and would like to talk to me please send to address:

                                             Dr. Valeriy I. Khomyakov

                                                         Chair of Russian Literature of XX century and Journalistias,

                                                         Department of Philology, .Omsk State University,

                                                         644077, Omsk , Russia.

                                                                                                             (c) 1998