Occupation: Omsk State University, The assistant professor of computer software department.

Date of birth: January 24; 1953

Education: 1975 - graduated from Tomsk State UniversityThe faculty of applied mathematics

1986 - 1989 Omsk State Technical University
Full-time post-graduate tuition on 05.13.01 -The administration in technical Systems.

Academic degrees and status:
1989 - defends the thesis for a candidate of technical sciences' degree.
1994 - is given the status of assistant professor
1999 - is given the status of Soros' assistant professor

The field of scientific interest:
The elaboration and research of component expert systems of special purpose. The creation of automated informational and electronic training systems.

The grants received for researches:

1993 The grant of the program "Universities of Russia" ( executive);

- 1994-1995 The grant of fundamental researches on in the fields of automatics and telemechanics, computer engineering, informatics, cybernetics, metrology and communications.(leader)

- 1998-1999 ISSEP grant of the program "Internet resources for culture, education
And healthcare" (executive)

- 1999 - ISSEP grant of the program " Soros assistant professors"

- 1999-2000 ISSEP grant of the program "Law " (executive);

- 2000 - ISSEP grant of the program "The support of independent Russian
Media" (executive)

Publications: Author of more than 30 publications, including:

V. Lebedev, N. Panchenko, G. Filei Logico-statystical method of efficient control of technical systems // Stochastic system's analysis and functional control
PrePrint 86.42. - Kiev Ukraine Science Academy , Mathematics institute
1986. - pp..33-39.

2. E. Danilenko , V. Lebedev, etc.. Expert system of control of technical units functioning. //The search of signals in multi-channel systems. Issue 2. - Tomsk: Tomsk University,1987. - pp.77-84.

3. E. Danilenko; V. Lebedev ; E. Lebedeva .The dialog system of control test selection.// Factory Laboratory - Ì:Ìetalurgy,1988. - N 7. - pp. 94-97.

4. A. Agafonov ; V. Lebedev; E. Lebedeva Non- parametric method of the fastest detection of changes of corelational functions of stationary flow of events // The perfection of research methods of research of events flow and systems of mass service: Works of republic seminar -Tomsk, Tomsk University,1989. -pp.62-65.

5. E. Danilenko, S. Dobrovolsky , V. Lebedev . Expert system of control of compound technical file system's functioning. // the works of international Symposeum "Info-89" vol. 1.part 2.- Minsk,1989. - pp.744-749.

6. The elaboration and research of principles of training and self-training of production type expert systems, based on features: Resume on NIR/Omsk State University 1994 - ¦ GRO1950003264. - INV. ¦ 029.50002691.- 10ñ.

7.V. Lebedev , V. Razumov, V. Topchii, The methodology of elaboration and possibilities of electronic training systems in education // Innovative processes in teaching of particular subjects: Scientific -technical conference, Novokuznetsk 1994 - pp.64-67.

8. P. Zolin, V. Lebedev, etc The elaboration of mathematical models of non-fermentative regulations of free-radical processes and their and their computer realization / Omsk State Medical Academy - Omsk, 1995. - 28 ñ. -15.05.95, ¦ 1360-Â95 Äåï.

9.P.Zolin, V. Lebedev, A. Miagchilov, The application of computer program "RegMed" in laboratorial diagnostics of infections // The modern aspects of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. New laboratorial technologies in diagnostics of infectious diseases.. Scientific-practical conference. Omsk,1999.-ñ.25-27.

10. V. Lebedev, E. Lebedeva The methods of calculation of tariff rates on mixed life insurance./ Omsk State university, Omsk, 1999. - 15ñ. - Dept. ÂÈÍÈÒÈ 29.10.99 ¦ 3225-Â99 Dept.

Hobbies: Amateur soccer, swimming , tourism, driving.

Postal address: 644077 Omsk pr. Mira 55-a,
Omsk State university,
University internet center, room 115