Gennadiy G.Zabudsky 

Ph.D. in Mathematics, associate professor

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      Was born on February 2, 1956 in city Omsk. In a 1973 has entered on mechanical-mathematical faculty of Novosibirsk State University, in a 1975 was transferred to mathematical faculty of Omsk State University. My scientific interests - optimization, problem of optimum accommodation, financial mathematics, economic-mathematical methods (see are lower the more complete list). The scientific chief was and is professor Alexandr Kolokolov.
      In a 1979 has protected the diploma "An optimum method of operation of petroleum slits " and has graduated university. Then has served in army in Samarkand. In a 1988  has entered in graduate school in Compuatational Center of Syberian Department of Academy of sciences, where attended to problems of optimum accommodation.
      In a 1991 at Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk) has protected a thesis on the subject of " Research and problem solving of optimum accommodation of objects with minimum distances " (I do not guarantee, that this point title).
      Now I work in Omsk State University and in Institute of Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics (department of an operations research).
      My daggings: I love to go in a wood, to collect mushrooms, I dream about fishing, I love to go by the machine (or motorcycle).

  • e-mail: 
  • math faculty, Omsk State University, Mira st.,55A, Omsk, 644077, Russia
  • тел.: 8(3812) 236739 факс: 8(3812) 234584
  • Scientific interests: mathematical   cybernetics,  theory and methods of optimization, operations research, discrete   optimization, mathematical methods in economy and management, decision support system, financial mathematics, problem of optimum accommodation of objects on the graphs, in metric spaces.


  1. Забудский Г.Г. О целочисленной постановке одной задачи размещения объектов на линии// Целочисленная оптимизация и ее приложения.(Управляемые системы).- Новосибирск: ИМ СО АН СССР, 1990.-Вып.30.- С.35-45.
  2. Забудский Г.Г. Задачи оптимального размещения взаимосвязанных объектов на линии//Сб. Методы решения и анализа задач дискретной оптимизации.- Омск:ОмГУ,1992.-С.5-24.
  3. Элементы теории игр//Методическое пособие.Омск: ОмГУ, 1994.-30с.
  4. Zabudsky G.G.On the One-Dimensional Space Allocation Problem with Minimal Admissible Distances// Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer Aided Modelling and Design. ITTA, CR,Prague, 1995.-P.448-452.
  5. Забудский Г.Г. Элементы теории в моделировании экономических систем// Учебное пособие для студентов экономических специальностей. Омск: ОФ МГУК,1996.-48с.
  6. Забудский Г.Г.Алгоритм решения одной задачи оптимального линейного упорядочения // Изв. вузов. Математика. Казань:КГУ,1997.N 12.-С.73-78.
  7. Забудский Г.Г. Некоторые свойства многогранника задачи о p-медиане// Вестн. Омского ун-та. Омск, 1997.- N4.- С.11-13.
  8. Забудский Г.Г.Элементы межотраслевого баланса// Учеб.пособие для студентов эконом. спец. Омск: ОИ МГУК,1997.-52с.