Tatyana V. Levanova 

Senior instructor

      I have entered on mathematical faculty of Omsk State University in a 1982. In a 1987 has graduated university, by protecting the diploma "Algorithms of local optimization for some problems of accommodation of the interconnected objects". My scientific chief was and there is a professor Alexandr Kolokolov. Scientific interests: discrete optimization.
      After graduating university I was beginning to work in   Institute of Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics, in 1989 began teaching activity in Omsk State University.

      In a 1992 I have entered in graduate school (in IITAM), and in a 1996   has completed. Now I teach in Omsk State University and work in IITAM.
      My daggings: it first of all theatre and author's song. Most of all I love our Musical theatre, but today in Omsk there are a lot of other perfect theatres.
  • e-mail:    levanova@iitam.omsk.net.ru 
  • home page:
  • Mathematical Department, Omsk State University, Mira st.,55A, Omsk, 644077, Russia
  • phone: 8(3812) 236739 факс: 8(3812) 234584
  • Discrete optimization, problems of accommodation, partial - integer programming.
  1. Т.В.Леванова, В.П.Ильев Анализ градиентного алгоритма минимизации 

  2. супермодулярной функции на матроиде. Труды 11-й Байкальской 
    международной школы-семинара "Методы оптимизации и их приложения" 
  3. Т.В.Леванова Двойственный жадный алгоритм для задачи о 

  4. р-медиане и ее обобщений. Препринт. Омск: Омский госуниверситет, 1998.
  5. V.Il'ev, T.Levanova On the minimizing supermodular function

  6. over matroids. Abstracts of International Conference on Operations
    Research, Zurich, 31 August - 3 September 1998, P.53.
  7. А.А.Колоколов,Т.В.Леванова Алгоритмы декомпозиции и перебора 

  8. L-классов для решения некоторых задач размещения. Вестник Омского
    госуниверситета, 1996. N1. С21-23.