Publications of I.V.Ashaev

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  1. New approaches to the concept of computability //In Proc. of The 1992 European Summer Meeting of the ASL, Vespreme, 1992. (with V.Y. Belyaev, A.G. Myasnikov)
  2. Computability over algebraic structures //Proc. of XI Interrepublic conf. on math.logic. - Kazan, 1992. P. 8. (with V.Y. Belyaev, A.G. Myasnikov) (Russian).
  3. About computability over algebraic structures //Proc. of III Inernational conf. on algebra. Krasnojarsk, 1993. P. 24-25. (Russian).
  4. Approaches to the theory of generalized computability //Algebra i logika. 32. N 4 (1993). P. 349-386. (with V.Y. Belyaev, A.G. Myasnikov) (Russian). Download english version: latex or dvi.
  5. Minimal Turing degrees in generalized computability //Proc. of International conf. on math. logic. Novosibirsk, 1994. P. 13-14. (Russian).
  6. About computability over fields //Actual problems of modern mathematics. V.1 - Novosibirsk: NII MIOO publ., 1995. P. 10-18. (Russian). Download: latex or dvi.
  7. Splitting theorem in generalized computability: Preprint 96-01. Omsk, 1996. 24 p. (Russian). Download: latex or dvi.

Last updated: November 1996.