Head of the Division

     Inga K. Zhenerenko

Born: January 17, 1967

    At 1989 years has finish Omsk state university mathematical facilitate and has got a diploma with the difference, qualification "Mathematician. Teacher."

    In 1993 has finish a graduate school Omsk state university on professions 13.00.02-a theory and strategy of educating mathematician in the school.

   In the June 1994 has protected a candidate's thesis on the subject "Methodical problems of preparation an teenagers to the choice pedagogical-mathematical professions."

                 The Areas of scientific interests:

                              Some publications:
  1. Pro-oriental Olympiads on pedagogic of mathematicians. Scholastic- methodical manual. - Omsk: ÎìÃÓ, 1992. -  43ñ. (in coauthorship).
  2. On some totals 1 All-union Pro-oriental Olympiads on pedagogic of mathematics.//  Mathematics in scool, 1991, number 5, with.  40- 42 (in coauthorship).
  3. 2 All-union Pro-oriental Olympiad on pedagogic of mathematicians. TASK/ Mathematics in scool, 1991, number 6, ñ. 30- 32 (in coauthorship).
  4. Evidence On lessons of geometry (7- 9êëàññû). Scholastic- methodical manual. - Omsk: ÎìÃÓ, 1995. - 106ñ. (in coauthorship).
  5. Reference book -  "tutor"  to the school course of geometry. Scholastic- methodical manual. - Îìñê: ÎìÃÓ, 1997. - 127ñ.
  6. From the amusement - to knowledges. Different ways of deciding textual çàäà÷// Mathematic, 1997, number 47, ñ. 5- 6, 12.