Скобелкин Владимир Николаевич.

Was born in 1924 in Вятской губернии in family of a peasant. Since 1926 prior to the beginning Great Domestic war lived in Omsk. The ambassador демобилизации from army has acted(arrived) on a faculty of law of Leningrad university. Has finished study in 1952 and up to 1962 worked as the manager by a legal advice of Ulyanovsk regional advice(council) of trade unions. The training in correspondence аспирантуре of All-Union institute of jurisprudence was finished by protection in 1960 of the candidate dissertation. With 1962 for 1978 worked at Voronezh state university, and in 1978 has passed in Omsk.

The doctor of jurisprudence (protection in 1971), professor (scientific rank is appropriated(given) in 1974), valid member of Academy of social sciences and Academies of labour and employment.

The manager by faculty of the labour right of Omsk state university. Educational disciplines: " the Labour right ", " Labour disputes ".

The basic area of scientific interests: protection of the labour rights of the hired workers. The most significant theoretical development concern problems labour правоотношений.

More than 130 works are published: the monographies, book, brochure, article in magazines and collections, manuals, theses of the reports etc.

Enthusiasmes: mountain tourism, fishing, mushroom hunt and poetry. Last years in Omsk three collections of verses and poems are published: " Love and life to you, Russia! " (1993 22 п.л.), " Love, love … " (1996 11 п.л.), "Сеголетки" (1997 11 п.л.). Here some poems from these collections.