The list of the published scientific works
И.В. Алениной:

1. Integration of civil-law and labour contractual circumstances // the Bulletin ОмГУ, №     1. 1996.

2. Social role of legal collisions // Materials ХХ scientific student's conferences. ОмГУ, 1996.

3. Basis of the legislation about guards of labour in system of the current legislation: overcoming of the contradictions // the Bulletin of Omsk university. Спец. Issue 2. 1996.

4. International and national labour legislation: overcoming of the contradictions // the Russian legislation: the theory, practice, problem of development. Perm. 1997. (0,2 п.л.).

5. Realization of the right on a free choice of a sort of employment(occupations) in the labour legislation of Russia // the Rights of the person in conditions становления of a civil society(community). Kursk. 1997. (0,2 п.л.).