The Division exists since 1974 when the University was set up.

Previously known as the Foreign Languages Division in 1994 it was split into the Division of English and French for Specific Purposes and the Division of German for Specific Purposes. Today 26 teachers work at ESP/FSP Department (22 and 4 instructors correspondingly).

Historically Foreign Language Divisions at majority of Russian ins- titutions of higher learning are "interdisciplinary" or "general" divisions, ie a foreign language being a minor subject is to serve the curricula needs of its main departments and help them meet the requirements of modern model for training future professionals.

The full time faculty of ESP Unit have an average minimum of 15 years service to the institution. All faculty meet requirement of regularly taking refreshment courses. The key faculty appointment possesses a Candidate degree. Two teachers are taking post-graduate course (in Moscow and St. Petersburg).

From 1993 on there appeared a possibility to host visiting teachers from abroad, as well as to take part in exchange programs. Three teachers of ESP Unit are a USIA sponsored ACTR/ACCELS Re- gional Scholars Exchange Program alumni (USA).

ESP Unit maintains professional contacts with colleguages from GlosCat College and Wolverhampton University (Great Britain) and University of Arizona CESL (United States).

ESP faculty have published more than 90 instruction booklets. The division issues the Journal of Studies by Omsk scholars on aspects of lexicology, theoretical grammar, text analysis and methods of teaching.

Omsk University ESP/FSP Division has been recommended to be a member of the Pilot Project on Designing and Employing New Foreign Language Training Programs. The All-Russian Conference on Organiza- tion Problems of Foreign Language Teaching Process (Moscow, February 1996) considered and approved our Division's experience the main gains of which are:

  1. A solid bank of authentic written and audio materials for almost all specializations;
  2. 8 years experience in diagnostic testing and placement of students according to their initial English proficiency level;
  3. 2 years experience in administering mid-course and final testing (including issuing Certificates for brightest students to be attached to the Diploma and used as reference as to their ability to use English at work);
  4. Several forms of instructional services to meet the English language learning requirements of students, such as:
    1. 4 options of electives (Communication in English, Test Taking Techniques, Translation Basics, Business Writing);
    2. Special Course in Methods of Teaching English for students of Philology;
    3. Course on Mass Media for students of Journalism;
    4. Refreshment courses for post-graduates;
    5. Student Club for members of Freedom Support Act Program.

Independent Advising Center for providing information and consulting services to those who want to take part in the USA Exchange Programs has recently been opened on the basis of Omsk Main City Library on the initiative of University ESP Unit.

Omsk University ESP/FSP Division is constantly in search of the most effective teaching methods and advanced teaching technologies.

Once a month the faculty meet at the Division's Seminar on Methods of Teaching to discuss issues of modern trends and techniques along four directions: communicative approach basics, use of audio- and video materials, selecting/assessing texts and extending/reworking materials to meet the teaching objective, cultural aspect of teaching materialused.


ESP/FSP Division,
Omsk State University,
644077 Omsk, RUSSIA