REFORMS AS A FACTOR OF SOCIAL SYSTEM'S STABILITY. Larisa A.Pautova, Alexander K.Guts Omsk State University, 644077 Omsk, RUSSIA The problem of stable society which is capable of effective function and development in the circumstance of internal and external impacts, without losing its structure, has always been the distant, but attracting goal, for the sake of which philosophers, sociologists have been creating their theories and making different prognosis of the ideal stable condition of the future society. Stability and steadiness, capacity to overcome the impacts have been always associated with social harmony and comfort. In the 20 century "stability," which means capacity to preserve conditions normal for this system, and a tendency to come to this balanced state in a case of deviations, becomes one of the most important aspects in the theory of systems. Social stability is the result of functioning of two mechanisms. The first one is the mechanism of maintaining the stability. This is an automatic process. Stability is seen here as the immanent condition, the infinite attribute of the system processes of differentiation, adaptation and integration are the forces which automatically keep up stability. They provide system's return back to the parameters of balanced state. However, stability can also be described as a result of certain conscious, intended activity of people, which is aimed to get the balance, in the case it is not kept up automatically. This mechanism includes the processes of socialization, social control, and other different actions performed by people ,i.g. social administration and regulation, including reformation. The task of reformatories is to provide the adaptation of external influence and overcoming of internal antagonism by the methods of regulation. Reformation is necessary when the deviation from the balance are so considerable that a system can overcome them automatically. In what way do reforms provide social stability? Let us look at three important aspects. 1) Factor of continuous reforms. As a result of enforcement, the subjects of reformation must issue the most severe laws to protect the system from disintegration. However, the reforms must be continuous, constant. Even the most competent and correct reforms cannot reach their goals if they are not permanent. Such reforms, carried by extremists and maximalists, can lead to bifurcation, which means sharp substantial transformation of system's state. This is an unpredictable and destructive process, which can result in crisis and instability of the whole system. These conclusions are proven in the following mathematical model. Let a state of social system is characterized by the level x(t), t > 0 of integration of structural elements which are directed on achievment of common goals (T.Parsons), and x > 0 is one qualitative state, and x < 0 is opposite one. Suppose that system dynamics is described by the differential equation dx 3 ___ = kx - mx + r , (1) dt where k > 0 is intensity of efforts of every new generation which determinate the improvement of society's state, m is intensity of actions of extremists, revolutionaries which also try to change and to improve the society's state, r is intensity of reforms (under r <0 to improve the society's state, and r <0 to destroy the structure of social system). Assume that k = const because all generations are similar in their desires, but m is variable parameter. The equation (1) with two parameters m and r has not a bifurcation under r isn't equal to 0. If r <0 for initial x(0) > 0 (and r >0 for initial x(0) < 0) then social system is developing in the time and has not qualatative changes in their structure ( socialism remains socialism and capitalism remains capitalism). This says that reforms must restrain velocity of development of integration's forces in society. Reforms are the evolution, but are not the revolution. Under r = 0 the equation (1) has the bifurcation (when m = 0). Hence the efforts of extremists can give unforeseen result with changing of society's state or with preserving one. The perfect examples of such reformation can be found in the history of the former Soviet Union. Gorbatchev's group, trying to "improve" socialism, brought the system to the state of bifurcation. The system has gone through the fundamental transformation of its essential status as well as its structure. The continuos reforms (which the USSR lacked) are beneficial for achieving the stability. Though it may seem strange, such reforms restrains the social integration, carried on in the name of some radical goal. By limiting these processes, the constantly functioning reforms decrease extremists' and revolutionaries' activity, and provide the absence of violent social stresses and destruction. 2) Factor of traditions andnorms continuity. The problem of continuity of traditions in a course of reforms is also very important. The changes should not be only constant and reserved, but also they should be connected with the dominant social traditions, principles and values. This continuity is accomplished as a result of successful socialization process. If a new generation acquires the norms and values, it would not have an intention to break up with them in the course of reforms. Let us turn to historic examples. In the course of English bourgeois revolution all the changes were carried on without destroying the old tradition. This situation made possible a faster return to the balance and absence of tragic outcomes. French bourgeois revolution broke up with former traditions. Everywhere the new norms appeared, even in the style and color of the clothes. Alongside with a number of other reasons, this lead to fundamental changes in society, which were much more radical and more violent than in England. The system changed its qualitative state and it took a long time to get back to stability. 3) Factor of control over the mechanism of converse (return) communication. The last point I would like to stop at, is the control of reform's subjects over the mechanism of converse communication in the system. Political authority in the course of reformation should increase the influence of negative converse communication, which weakens the results of system's functioning and provide stability. For example, there are some economic reforms carried on country. If political decisions do not contradict economic tendencies, this would lead to economical increase. When economy is on its rise, the society (subsystem of societal community - T. Parsons) support the political system. Population approves the government's action, in case that political power's actions do not contradict social normative order. Then, political power accomplish its main function - the achievement of common goals, and the system attains stability. This is an example of negative converse communication. That's why the political power must assist to the action of negative converse communications and restrain the positive communications. So the reforms providing system's return back to the parameters of balanced state must to be continuous, they should be connected with the dominant social traditions, principles and values, and they must make the control over the action of negative converse communications.