Omsk State University

Division of history and theories of religion

Alexander V. Juke

Occupied job: senior teacher.

The Scientific degree: candidate of history sciences.

Graduated Omsk State University in 1984 . Protected a candidate's thesis in the Altaic University in 1995.

Area of scientific interests: history archeological thoughts, Russian cultural history (army-Church-science) .

Hobby: changing the occupations.


  1. Problem of correlation history and archeological sciences on III All-Russian archeological convention in the Kiev in 1874 //Sources on histories of West Siberia /history and archeology/.Omsk,1987, p.96-102.

  2. Absence of the archeological interest in the medieval culture /on the example of West Siberia //History of archeological Siberia studies. Omsk, 1990, p.32-41.

  3. Problem of archeological culture in Russia /end XIX - a beginning XX ages //Questions of history of study and historiographies of archeology of West Siberia. Omsk, 1992, p.5-24.

  4. Russia archeological thought in its development . //Questions of history of study and historiographies of archeology of West Siberia.Omsk, 1992, p.35-40.

  5. Vasily A. Gorodtchev at first years of its scientific activity . //Questions of  history of archeological Siberia studies.Omsk, 1992, p.24-36.

  6. Study a Liapinsk fortress by A.F.Palashenkov // Archeology of Siberia: historiography . part 2, Omsk, 1995, p.68-92.

  7. West-Siberian Division of Russian Geographical Society /1877-1928 //Archeology of Siberia: historiography and sources. Omsk, 1996, p.66-79.

  8. "Artistic technology for archeologists" of N.E.Rerih`s. //Collection of scientific works OMII. Omsk, 1997, p.78-102.

  9. From the genealogy clergy men of Gorodtchev`s . //History fates of orthodoxy of Siberia.Irkutsk, 1997, p.85-88.

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Adress: Division of history and theories of religion

Omsk State University

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Last change 05.19.98.