Šóńńźą˙ āåšńč˙

PORTRAIT Valentina G. Rygenko
Ph.D. in History, associate professor

She was born 1.01. 1948 in Chistopol.

In 1966 she graduated from Faculty of History Moscow State University.

In 1977 supported of a doctor's thesis.

Since 1978 she has worked at OmSU, since 1983 she has been associate professor on Division Modern Russian History & Historiography OmSU.

Specialization: History of Russia, History of russian culture.

Number of publications is more 100.

Phone: 64-44-83.

Address: Chair of Modern Russian History & Historiography, historical department, OmSU, 644077, Omsk, Russia


Division's site

Publications (only russian)