Dmitry Pavlovich Sinelnikov

Sinelnikov  Dmitriy  Pavlovich

 Occupied  post:    head  of department ,the candidate of philosophical sciences, reader.
Has finished:   Historical faculty of Omsk State university in 1981.
Gradueted:      Tomsk State university,faculty by philosophy, 1989.
Area of scientific interests:   methodology of a history, theory of culture.

The publications:

1. Practical preconditions of occurrence of a theoretical level in historical knowledge.
     // Modern science and laws of its development. Tomsk, 1988 (page 165-172).
2. About an opportunity of actualisation of methodological experience Russian historians-neo-Kantians.
    // Herald of Omsk State university, issue 2,1996 (page 71-75).

address: Sinelnikov Dmitriy Pavlovich
Omsk State University,
644077 Omsk, RUSSIA

Web-master: Max Volodin .