Omsk State University
The chair of Ethnography


Alexander G.Seleznev

Ph.D. in History, associate professor

   Alexander G. Seleznev vas born 7 september 1965. In 1987 he graduated history faculty in St. Petersburg State University, in 1991 - post-graduate courses in St.PSU and defended his dissertation on the subject: "Барабинские татары: проблемы происхождения".

    Alexander has been teaching in Omsk State University since 1991. At the same time he is the director of Omsk branch of the United Institute of history, philology and philosophy Siberian branch Russian Academy of Science. In 1998 A. G. Seleznev got a rank of a reader.

    Alexander participated in international science congresses in Budapesht (Hungary, 1997) and in Leiden (Niderland, 1998).

    The field of his science interests is ethnography; archeology; culturology of traditional association.

    Base publications:
1. К проблеме тугума сибирских татар (на материале барабинцев) // Проблемы антропологии и исторической этнографии Западной Сибири. - Омск, 1991. - С. 133 - 145.
2. Барабинские татары: Истоки этноса и культуры.-Новосибирск:Наука. Сибирская издательская фирма, 1994. - 176с.
3. New Date on Shamanistic Ideas, based on materials from peoples of North - West Siberia // Le Chamanisme: Perspectives Religieuses et Politiques. Representations des esprits et des relations avec les esprits/ Rituel et societe. Chamanismeet possession. - Chantilly, 1997. - 3p.



Address: 644077 Omsk, prospekt Mira 55 A. Omsk State University. Faculty of history. Chair of