Omsk State University
The chair of Ethnography


Valery M.Kadnevsky

Ph.D. in history, associate professor

    Valery M Kadnevsky was born 17 january 1942. He finished shool by correspondence in 1960 and he was colled-up in the army soon.  He entered on the faculty of history in Irkutsk State University after his servise in the army. Valery graduated the university in 1968. He has been teaching science 1968. He had been by post-graduate in Irkutsk State University from 1970 to 1973. V. M. Kadnevsky has been working  in Omsk State University science 1974, moreover he has been working on the post of reader. (Today he is working on the chair of literature of XX century and journalism.)

    Valery M. Kadnevsky defended his dissertation in Irkutsk State University in 1973. The subject of his dissertation - "Роль  местной  партийно  -  советской  печати  в  осуществлении культурной революции в восточной Сибири (1926 - 1936гг.)"

    The field of his science interests is problems of formation of historical mind; creating of the tests and spreading of historical knowledges in the form of tests; reforms and reformers in the Russian history.

    Lately he published more 20 text-books, which are united under general name "Russian history in tests."

    His based publications are:
1."История России в тестах", выпуски 1-й, 2-й, 3-й. Москва, "Школа  - пресс", 1997 - 1998гг.

2."История России с древнейших времен до конца 18-го века", тесты. Москва, "Дрофа", 1999г.

3.""История России 19-го века", тесты. Моква, "Дрофа", 1999г.

    Today Valery M. Kadnevsky is the adviser of the science work several post-graduates.

    Today he is working on a Doctor dissertation "Тестовые системы как одна из форм распространения и приминения исторических знаний".

    Valery is the director of the tests laboratory in OmSU.

    The travel in the historical plases are base Valery's hobby.

    Annotation: V. Kadnevsky is the first (and is still the single) author in Russia, who creted teaaching text-book "История России в тестах" in the volume, which corresrond to the shool program on the course "History of the native land".("История Отечества.")


Address: 644077 Omsk, prospekt Mira 55 A. Omsk State University. Faculty of history. Chair of ethnography.