Eugenia B. Sverdlina

Ph. D. in Economics, associate professor 

    In 1981 she graduated from the Omsk State University (Economic Department).
In 1997 she completed the post-graduate course at the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finances and defended her Ph.D. thesis, speciality bookkeeping, control and business analysis.


In OmSU she lectures the following subjects (taking into account the ones she has lectured before) 


·Theory of analysis

·Financial markets andinstitutions

Eugenia B. Sverdlina has more than 30 publications.

 Information for contacts:

        Address: 644077, Russia, Omsk,
                       pr. Mira,  55-a,
                      Omsk State University,
                      Department of Economics,
                      Chair of Finances and Credit.
       Tel:  66 - 46 - 20