Olga Ya. Pegasina

Ph. D. in Economics, associate professor 

    In 1982 She graduated from Omsk State University (Department of Economics) and in 1991 she defended her Ph. D. thesis. 

In 1996 Olga Ya. Pegasina participated in the joint Russian and American project “Corporative finances and common investments”.

Since 1994 she collaborates with the OmSU.

   In OmSU she gives follows special course:

·Bank’s currency transactions

·Bank's credit policy 

Olga Ya. Pegasina has 5 publications.

 Information for contacts:

        Address: 644077, Russia, Omsk,
                       pr. Mira,  55-a,
                      Omsk State University,
                      Department of Economics,
                      Chair of Finances and Credit.
       Tel:  66 - 46 - 20