Marina A. Medvedeva

 Ph. D. in Economics, associate professor


      In 1983 she graduated from Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy. In 1989 she completed the post-graduate course at the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics and defended her Ph. D. thesis “Economical and statistical researches of industrial production’s material capacity”.

She lectured the following subjects:

Since 1994/95 she collaborates with the OmSU.

In OmSU she lectures the following courses

·        Valuation of realty (special course)

·        Statistics

M.A. Medvedeva has published articles in Omsk media on problems of valuation of realty and analysis of prices at the housing market.

Information for contacts:

 Address: 644077, Russia, Omsk,
               pr. Mira,  55-a,
              Omsk State University,
              Department of Economics,
              Chair of Finances and Credit.

Tel:  66 - 46 - 20
