Irina G. Gorlovskaya

    Ph. D. in Economics, associate professor

      Irina G. Gorlovskaya graduated from the Omsk State University in 1980 and defended her Ph. D. thesis "Direct social and monetary relations and their correlation in social-economic form of labor” in 1988. Basic scientific interests- equity market and   government finance.

 In OmSU Irina G. Gorlovskaya give a follow courses:

  • Finances
  • Equity market
  • Investment institutions
  • Government-paper
  • Irina G. Gorlovskaya has 20 scientific publications and training aids.

     Information for contacts:

                       Address:     644077, Russia, Omsk,
                                       pr. Mira,  55-a,
                                      Omsk State University,
                                      Department of Economics,
                                      Chair of Finances and Credit.

                      Tel:  66 - 46 - 20
