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Alexey Mironovich Popovich

Head of this chair, Candidate of economic sciences (Ph.D. in economics), docent, associate professor, the chairman of economic department

He was graduated from the OmSU in 1981. In 1982-1985 - post-graduate student on the chair of economics and manufacturing production' organization in LFEI (Voznesensky). 1986 - Ph.D. in economics. From 1986 he work in OmSU. Associate professor from 1988. From 1988 he is a chairman of economic department. In 1991 he was elected as a head of the chair.

From 1993 - member of International Association of management development. Main scientific interests - management of social-economics processes on enterprizes of region. Organizer of five international, russian and regional scientific conferencies by the problems of economics and management, author of more than 30 scientific works, not only in Russia.

Main publications:


Chair of the Economics & Management, Department of Economics, Omsk State University, 644077, Omsk, RUSSIA