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Ludmila Anatolievna Chach

Candidate of economic sciences (Ph.D. in economics), associate professor.

Born in 1951,

In 1975 she was graduated from the Novosibirsk State University. In 1985-1990 - post graduate student at the chair of economics and autotransport management on Moscow management institute (Ordzhonikidze). 20.VI.1990 - Ph.D.


From 1991 she is an associate professor on the chair of economics, organizing and planning the production of OmSU, from 1998 - on the chair of economics and management.

Main scientific interests - marketing, price making.


Main publications:

- Словарь рыночной экономики. - Omsk: Издание СибАДИ, 1990 г. (в соавторстве);

- Вопросы методики оценки уровня организации производственных систем // Экономический механизм функционирования производственных структур в условиях рынка, - Omsk, OmSU, 1994.


Chair of the Economics & Management, Department of Economics, Omsk State University, 644077, Omsk, RUSSIA