Valeriy V. Dubitskiy

Brief information about service and scientific career:

    1983 - graduated from the chemical faculty of Omsk State University.
1984-1988 - post-graduate student of the Leningrad State University.
1988 - Candidate of chemical sciences. (Ph. D. in chemistry)
1989-1990 - senior research scientist of the chair of organic chemistry of Omsk State University.
1990 - university lecturer
1994 - associate professor of the chair of organic chemistry.
Valeriy V. Dubitskiy also is the pro-rector of Omsk State University on educational work.

Scientific interests:

 Chemistry of aliphatic diazocompounds: azometinimines, cyclic diazoketones,
diazoketones and corresponding phosphazines, isomeric transformations of phosphazines.



Selected publications:

1. Rodina L. L., Dubitskiy V. V., Korobitsina I. K., Regioselectivity of cycloaddition of 3,5-dioxo-4-phenyl-1(anthron-10-yl)tetrahydro-1Í-8-triazole to the ethylene dipolarophyles//
Zhourn. Org. Khim.,1986, 22, 9, p. 2017-2019.

2. Rodina L. L., Dubitskiy V. V., Korobitsina I. K., Azomethinimines obtained from
4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione and aryldiazomethanes in reactions with ethylene dipolarophyles//
Zhourn. Org. Khim., 1991, 27, 2, p. 399-407.

3. Aitbaev I. A., Dubitskiy V. V., Rodina L. L., Phosphazines, methods of synthesis, chemical
properties // Modern problem of organic Chemistry.
Collection of transactions of SPbSU, 1998, 12, p.196-219.

Russia, Omsk, pr. Mira 55-à
Omsk state university
Chemical faculty
The chair of organic chemistry
644077 Chemistry,
associate professor

Valeriy V. Dubitskiy
