Valeriy A. Muchin


I was born in Omsk in 1939, my father was an enginee-railwayman, then later an officer, my mother was a teacher of physics. The typical childhood of military years, after the war we were often moving on new places of father's military service, that's why I changed a lot of schools. I graduated from a high school on station Akmolinsk in 1956, it was first years of tselina(virgin soil). Then I studied in Sverdlovsk, in UPI(Ural Politechnical Institute), at chemistry faculty. In summer-student's groups, tselina(virgin soil), Altai, Kazakhstan, in winter time-skiing in Uktusskie mountains, scientific work from third course. In 1961 I graduated with honors from faculty "Technology of electrochemical productions", then completed a post-graduated course and defended? a thesis in UPI, so my scientific roots are there. I still visit my native faculty with thanks and pleasure. In 1965-68 I worked in scientific-research institute in Chelyabinsk, in 1968 went back to Omsk as a senior lecture and a head of faculty in OmTI(Omsk Traffic Institute, now Traffic Academy). Since 1974 became a senior lecture of faculty of inorganic chemistry in OmSU(Omsk State University. I teach an inorganic chemistry, electroanalitical chemistry and corrosion. Scientific interests-electrochemistry, corrosion, their ecological aspects. I'm an author of more than 110 scientific and methodical printed works, 8 patents. I'm married, met my wife when we were students, she's a chemist, organic, candidate of chemical sciences, senior lecture in OmSTU(Omsk State Technical University). Beyond scientificinterests-ecological problems. Daughters graduated from OmSU, oldest is chemist, youngest-philologist, have their own families. We are already a proud grandparents of two adorable grandchildren-Alina, 9, and Daniel, 4 month. We're still feel very close together, in leisure time, which is always not enough, we love skiing, swimming, or to wander in the forest to pich mushrooms and berries.

