Vladimir Fedorovich Borbat

professor, doctor of engineering science, head of the chair.

Borbat Vladimir FedorovichHas ended in 1958 y. The Ural politechnical institute by him(it). S.M. Kirov in Sverdlovsk. 28 years worked on Norilsk mountainous foundry combine. In 1963 has protected a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of engineering science, since 1968 - doctor of engineering science.

Area of scientific interests - chemistry and chemical process engineering are rare also of colour metals, ecology, guard of an environment, electrochemistry.

V.F. Borbat has 58 patents and copyright certificates, 262 publications, including the monographies, text-books, papers and thesises of the reports. Is awarded with a bronze medal VDNH. Is honour professor of Termezsk university. Also is a term two dissertations of advices, by term of expert advices on ecology. Under it by guiding is protected 20 candidate thesises.

The main publications:

New processes in metallurgy of nickel and coobalt. - M.: metallurgy, 1976. - 360 p. (in the co-authorship with I.J. Lesch). Extractions of rare metals сульфидами. - M.: a science, 1984. - 152 p. (in the co-authorship with V.S. Chekushen).
Borbat V.F. Metallurgy of rare metals: a text-book for high schools. - M.: metallurgy, 1987. - 432 p. (in the co-authorship with I.N. Maslenecskim, L.V. Chugaevim).

Prof. V.F. Borbat
Department of Chemistry
Omsk State University
644077 Omsk
Email: borbat@univer.omsk.su