Vladimir Aleksandrovich
22(10).12.1898 -- 27.12.1974
A page in Russian
Vladimir A.Fock was born on 22 December 1998 in StPeterburg and died in
the same town on 27 december 1974. He graduated from StPetersburg (Petrograd)
University and, with exception of war and several post war years, his life
was associated with St.Peterburg (Leningrad) where he was teaching at the
University for more than 40 years. During this time he made fundamental
contributions to quantum theory reflected in such notions as Fock
space, Hartree--Fock method and others.
The celebration of the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock is organized
under auspices and with the support of UNESCO. The Hundredth anniversary
of V.A.Fock is included in the UNESCO list of anniversaries for 1998.
Academician, member of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society (since
its reestablishment in 1959).
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